Feel Susan Jeffers, Rubber Band and the changing being

Feel the fear and do it anyway makes a change because of the side from which the author is speaking – with us, while talking to us, not just from a far point, but here, with us, telling us what to do.

And… obviously there is a very big AHA from the very beginning

the perspective is changed about fear. just like the title says.

i found it very interesting the first time I heard from another source, how we can recategorize anxiety to be seen as excitement instead of fear or dread. anyway, it’s also just another way of accepting that things we want, are often on the other side of fear (didn’t Will Smith have a video on that?) and we move through.

exams, performances on stage… I remember I used feel odd when I stopped feeling fear about those things…

i remember how I always used to make mistakes when practising sitting in my bedroom in my teens, but slowly I started seeing how when on stage I wouldn’t make any of those mistakes. we don’t have to simulate the stage situation, just make sure the phrases are well arranged and we can do it, and when the situation comes, where we naturally know to focus, we do it without mistakes, with better performance.

growth and fear. performance and fear.

now, in that context, it doesn’t feel anymore right to call it fear in the conventional sense.

it is excitement for the lack of better words in between fear and excitement?

better to know it at the physical level, I understood. it has its enormous advantages.

when we feel the burning skin, the tight shoulder and chest. reduced to the physical muscles, heat maps on the body etc WITHOUT associating STORIES to it.

have you tried it? if not try it and see what I mean.

even when there is no external reason, you can find your muscles tensed from thought, you can paint red and blue and orange heat maps on your body…

and… let them exist, separate from you. like a in a huge building, where at places the space is a bit warped from the walls, stay INSIDE YOUR body, realizing how muscles have to be tensed to feel what you feel. How you are feeling that heat on your skin.

and … realizing they do exist and can exist without any real reason for fear.

it is very much possible that without thinking we have been immediately making a story, an emotional reasoning to go with the physical symptoms.

for whatever reason, we have let our muscles train that way and we forgot the origins of them. anyway… we didn’t know better. we can take responsibility for what we allowed, even in the past and reclaim the whole life for ourselves.

the one minute millionaire and other books talk about using the rubber band on the wrist method.

some voice that we don’t want? snap the rubber band…

it should work.

all of them comes back to being able to realize… there is no story.

for some reason we didn’t want to acknowledge it before.

snap the band. let fear symptoms stay at body level. no changing nothing. you be peaceful in the knowledge, like you would in a peaceful calm cottage…

snap yourselves out of stories that no one is listening. stories that have no sense to you. no use to you… but at the same time can be very limiting although so non existent!

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